Tartaria: Lost Timeline of a Global Empire
The New Tartarian Chronology: Uncovering the Mysteries of a Lost World
Tartaria: lost Timeline of a Global Empire, Ornate ancient map depicts ancient tartarian kingdom in a stunning wooden carved frame
The enigmatic concept of Tartaria - a sophisticated global civilization flourishing during a lost era before recorded history - continues to intrigue as evidence of its existence proliferates across open historical inquiries.
As statistical analyses have shown, many unexplained anachronisms and duplications undermine conventional chronologies. For example, megalithic structures like those on the Giza plateau dating to 2500 BCE exceed the technological capabilities attributed to their credited builders, while similar lifespans and achievements of disparately-dated historical figures suggest timeline duplication rather than separation.
Comparable architectural styles found worldwide faster than generally accepted transmission rates also imply timeline discrepancies. Scholars insist convoluted trade or archaistic revivals explain complexes mirroring landscapes centuries apart. However, timeline gaps and population constraints on rapid global diffusion call into question dominant narrative reliance on assumptions over conclusive proof.
Considered a "pseudohistorical" concept by academics, the hypothesis of Tartaria revives queries into systemic oppression and control mechanisms that previous eras may caution against. Statistical analysis of its proponents adds rigor to intuitive questioning of duplicitous historical inaccuracies and their obscured implications. As investigation continues, Tartaria exposes pressing needs to reconcile conflicting evidence through open-minded reconsideration.
Tartaria analysis extends prior statistical arguments by researchers like Russian mathematician Anatoly Fomenko mathematically attacking conventional timeline integrity on the premise that “mainstream history is either full of duplicates, or there are black holes that swallow centuries.”[3] For example, Fomenko argues the similar lifespans and achievements for key historical figures like Jesus Christ, Pope Sixtus V and Buddhist Prince Gautama imply duplication rather than separate individuals spaced centuries apart.[4]
Such computational analysis lends rigor to more intuitive dissidents questioning duplicative Roman-Gothic-Byzantine architectural styles proliferating continents faster than establishment timelines accommodate through standard diffusion.[5]
Scholars insist convoluted trade transmission or archaistic revivals explain complex monuments like India’s Brihadeeswarar Temple paralleling 11th century European cathedrals. But glaring timeline voids and basic population/resource constraints on rapid style propagation underline mainstream narratives more reliant on assumption than conclusive proof.
Tartarian Dragon Master Poses with his Golden and Obsidian Dragon in the Old Kingdom
Lost Millennia – A Revised Chronology Re-Examining Gateway Eras Warping Cultural Continuity
Few historians dispute that victors write history in ways flattering myths of origin and progress. But mapping global civilizations separated by oceans before modern technology begs reconciling how shared advanced knowledge like pyramid astronomy, flood channel hydraulics and Roman aqueduct masonry fidelity diffused between continents absent direct contact. Established timelines largely overlook these discontinuities.
A transparent reappraisal of pivotal transition points strings suspicious gaps together explaining more than the dominate paradigm of inevitable societal march from primitive to sophisticated. A case emerges for technologically adept, seafaring predecessors predating recognized ancient cultures, later suppressed once oral histories faded after cataclysm.
Visions of the Golden Age of Tartaria, Ecological Paradise in Balance with Nature, Surreal Digital Vapor Dream
Potential Revised Timeline Evidence Comparison 10,000 – 4,000 BCE:
End of Last Glacial Maximum enables ocean exploration, explaining maritime-capable cultures with navigation astronomy erecting sophisticated coastal temples dated to the Neolithic by orthodoxy yet inconsistent with chronological toolkits. LIDAR scanning revealing complex Mayan infrastructure buried beneath jungles fits the profile of obscured antediluvian civilizations swamped by rising seas later submerged. [47]
4,000 – 500 BCE:
Megalithic cultures exhibiting advanced engineering feats credited by establishment archaeology to Bronze and Iron AgeToolkits incapable of lifting multi ton blocks to assemble sites like the Giza pyramids and Baalbek terrace emerge across Eurasia and the Americas featuring important astronomical orientation and geometric encoding knowledge allegedly developed many centuries later. Diffusion arguments falter explaining secluded inland precision constructions like Saksaywaman in Peru, Nan Madol in Micronesia or the stepwells of India clustered centuries later. [48]
Dragon Priestess of the Ancient Tartarian Kingdom Poses Wearing Elaborate Ceremonial Dress
500 BCE – 500 CE:
During eras lacking direct contact, Greco-Roman building techniques requiring complex materials science like Roman concrete reverse engineered by modern scientists arise fully developed to construct iconic structures in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, India and the Far East centuries predating accepted trade timelines. Lighthouse technology allowing narrow beam illumination 20 miles out to sea for maritime navigation defies independent innovation by separate cultures in multiple locations absent shared technical inheritance. [49]
500 – 1500 CE:
Collapse of Roman Empire sees widespread monumental construction efforts in Europe, Russia, and the Near East dated by mainstream chronology to the early Middle Ages continue exhibiting classical architectural design fidelity, material science mastery, and artisanal detail centuries before diffusion arguments accommodate Byzantine access to lost knowledge or labor specialization for intricate craftsmanship found at archeological dig sites facing demographic reality checks. [50]
Tartarian Hunter Prays at the Shimmering Crystal Temple of the Dragon
1500 – 1700 CE:
Following conquest of the Americas, continuations of monumental architecture and city planning techniques from Greek, Egyptian and East Asian cultures mimic symmetry, celestial alignments and building materials employed by Old World predecessors. Documentation issues block verification of vast recognizes lineage settlements to support transoceanic contact arguments, suggesting attempted erasure now being reversed through satellite archaeology efforts. [51]
The Patterns Behind Civilizational Amnesia:
Cyclical cataclysms submerge evidence of advanced precursor cultures later mythologized
Technological relics studied help usher new golden ages reviving forgotten sciences
Challenge-response stressors push cultural adaptation to higher consciousness states
Cryptic symbols and dated relics transmit partial knowledge to future civilizations
The Gaze of the Tartarian Dragon Master Drezexel
Theory of Systemic Timeline Manipulation Along Financial Suppression
Establishment models largely ignore extensive seafaring evidence and maritime conduit remnants explaining global diffusion inconsistencies from recognized timelines. A parsimonious explanation building in cycles of periodically recurring antediluvian cultures transferred building sciences through naval infrastructure later suppressed fits discontinuity patterns:
Unlike city-state land empires, seafaring civilizations prove persistently ungovernable to Centralized Authority necessary for imposing Financialization far predating modern capital dates. Thereby epoch erasure serves dual aims:
Eliminate cultural exemplars escaping debt control cycles binding agricultural taxation toenable institutionalized slavery and peasant bondage to patrons extracting labor and loyalty tributes [52]
Democratize Advanced Technology Applications from widespread inheritance by Egyptianizing knowledge chains to occulted guild pyramids concealing source arts behind initiatory screening embedding dependency furthering aim (1) [53]
Ghastly Visions of the Mongolian Steppes, Riding with the Horde into the Gauntlet of Doom
Establishment archeology largely developed under crown funding bodies perpetuates suppressed chronology through rigid disciplinary assumptions ignorant of maritime-diffusion and cyclical timeline arguments explaining inconsistencies like Roman rock cut techniques dated alongside the Persians lacking mastery for sculpting Iranian cliff faces. [54]
By protecting establishment historiography from heretical counter-examples undermining victim superiority myths, suppressed timelines aid imperial continuity divide-and-conquer marginalizing cultures from their authentic heritage deflating insurrection confidence against patronage dependency bonds. Thereby historical gaps serve contemporary suppression. [55]
Rather than alleging particular conspiracy theories, understanding the patterns behind civilizational amnesia free lessons for transparently transitioning uncertain futures without repeating past balancing cycles. Openness to globally diffused antecedents liberation from limiting assumptions embedded by localized histories. Integrating lost inheritance offers progress unbound by institutions bred in epochs of suppression now facing extinction necessity built into illusion structures mistaking manipulation for order.
Utopian Visions of the Golden Age: Floating Palaces of the Tartarian Kingdoms
Information War over Human History
Satan's Little Season and Historical Distortion
The term “Satan’s Little Season” originates from a passage in the Biblical Book of Revelations suggesting a period just prior to the Second Coming of Christ when Satan would be unleashed upon the Earth for a “short season” to persecute the righteous and deceive humanity before facing final judgment. Some theologians interpret this cryptic reference metaphorically as alluding to a historical era of increased evil, deception, and suppression of spiritual truths setting the stage for apocalyptic events.
In this light, the systematic destruction and concealment of the Tartaria civilization by threatened worldly powers circa the 16th-17th centuries takes on deeper resonance. More unconventional Biblical scholars propose links between the thousand-year reign of Christ's kingdom described in Revelations with the lost global empire of Tartaria flourishing precisely a millennium ago by revised chronologies.
The timing of Tartaria's downfall just prior to the expected eschatological return, followed by distinctly corrupted epochs of slavery, colonialism and godless materialism arguably fulfill apocalyptic prophecies. The historical record itself seems prophetically erased to serve Satan's "little season" before Christ reclaims Earth.
Thereby profound spiritual dimensions underlie secular power structures' incentives for distorting history - to displace God's kingdom already completed upon Earth according to hidden chronicles still struggling against darkness toward enlightenment.
Unconventional historians frame erased epochs as intentionally obscured by threatened interests not wishing humanity to remember prior advanced societies later imitated. This parallels the concept across mythic traditions of a temporary “Satan's Little Season” marking decline of truth and virtue as humanity forgets its higher nature.[6]
While establishment academia dismisses such cyclical dark age notions as unfalsifiable, proponents argue consistently manipulated architecture, documents, cartography and strange relics match the expected evidence of temporally obscured golden ages between more lucid universal phases. They ask why pivotal transitional points around the 16th-17th centuries prove so consistently opaque. [7]
Majestic Visions of the Golden Age of Wonder, Jade Gardens of the Ever Rising Sun in the Valley of the True Kings
Signs of Massive Historical Deception
Highly inconsistent population metrics, demographic projections on artifact diffusion rates, and lack of intermediate developmental evidence haunt mainstream epoch transitions. Mathematical proofs demonstrate the improbability of early Middle Ages population density using current growth models to account for prolific village, altar and fortification construction [41].
Separately, documented observations of Halley’s Comet key events differ significantly across ancient cultures lacking direct contact arguing compromised orthodox dating [45]. If the concrete documentation proving missing centuries exists, why does it remain so obscure?
Gradualistic expectations that uniform cultural progress emerged from sparse unconnected tribes cannot reconcile sudden prolific construction of stylistically cohesive civic works on separate continents Radio carbon dating measurements at archaeological digs overlaying Roman ruins consistently date key sites to the Medieval era, centuries after Rome's acknowledged collapse [46]. Proponents argue interests obscuring such improbabilities manipulating dating evidence to fabricate bridging narratives had strong incentive given totalitarian consolidation motives and demographical inconsistencies.
Dragon Princess Evokes Her Psychic Labradorite Dragon Essence
Incentives for Suppressing True Antiquity
The Tartaria theory's premise that usurping rulers deliberately suppressed predecessor cultures foreseeably resonates with dispossessed populations. Belittling conquered societies facilitates political consolidation, while crediting achievements to one’s own lineage aids continuity. Yet monuments worldwide seemingly built using shared or progressively advancing construction techniques intensely concentrate around recent centuries in baffling density if establishment timelines hold. [11]
Documented observations of Halley’s Comet key events differ significantly across ancient cultures lacking direct contact arguing compromised orthodox dating [45]. What beyond totalitarian manipulation can explain precocious diffusion of Roman arches, concrete formulas and administrative infrastructure throughout Eurasia centuries preceding expansionist explanation?
Critics insistence on lack of records fails to transparently address consistent dating discrepancies and population metrics multiplying infrastructure improbably for gradual in-culture innovation. Thereby opacity issues in coherent reasoning of pre-globalization epochs remain unreconciled.
What beyond totalitarian manipulation can explain precocious diffusion of Roman arches, concrete formulas and administrative infrastructure throughout Eurasia centuries preceding expansionist explanation? Mainstream scholars insist lack of records disproves extraordinary influence or cultural inheritance. But glaring factual opacity around pivotal transition eras suggests transparency issues in coherent reasoning of pre-globalization epochs [12].
Tartarian King and His Bride Celebrate on the Tropical Coast of Their Oceanic Kingdom
Impacts on Cultural Memory
Conditioning populations that human advancement progressed linearly from primitive eras self-affirms assumptions of continual improvement that discourage probing systemic oppression dynamics. The realization of erased advanced societies challenges convenient timelines fostering this mythical social cohesion continuity suggesting inherent superiority. [13] Unwinding these nested layers of subtly skewed historiography can lubricate dynamism for societies hindered by manipulated cultural memory.
Pivotal eras concentrate demographical, architectural and records-based discontinuities mainstream models struggle reconciling without transparent inquiry:
Jacob Bronowski analysis on Dark Age versus Roman population densities multiplying known settlements by average demographics indicate 90% loss by 1300 AD, contradictory to growth continuity narratives [38]
Architectural surveys of Malta’s Mdina Cathedral, India’s Brihadeeswarar Temple and Asian 100 meter Buddha statues argue common cultural inheritance or diffusion centuries before establishment contact dating [39]
Erroneous Biblical redatings of Egyptian pharaoh timelines by 1,500 years discrediting chronologies structuring Western history point to gross methodological errors or fraud in religious "histories" shaping timeframe belief [40]
Mongolian Riders on the Steppe, Rolling with Horde of Genghis Khan in the Fields of Doom
Gunnar Heinsohn’s Revised Chronology
How Heinsohn condenses the timeline
German historian Gunnar Heinsohn controversially proposes eliminating the “Dark Age” gap from c.670 AD when Rome fell to c. 900 AD when records reemerge, condensing this 230-year period into approximately 110 years of European history. Through demographic analysis, Heinsohn reveals far lower regional population estimates than required to build the thousands of medieval castles, cloisters, and villages officially dated to this era over just two generations.
Rather than posit impossible massive immigration unseen archaeologically, Heinsohn interprets inconsistent artifacts and timelines as proof later kings fabricated lineages claiming inheritance from mythical ancestors while falsely extending building dates to bolster claims. This neatly explains the mysterious lack of documents, cultural evolution or population development indicators within the European early Middle Ages. [14]
Mongolian Princess Poses with Her Beloved Horse on the Mongolian Steppes
Strange gaps in the archaeological timeline
Beyond demographics, Heinsohn highlights warring archaeological dating indicators from the contested Dark Age period seemingly avoiding intermediate values around key 9th-10th century dates, as if selectively compressed to fit a historical falsehood. Radiocarbon, dendrochronology and palaeography dates disproportionately cluster right before or after 900 AD, skipping the 2-3 centuries around Charlemagne’s coronation suspiciously absent documents. [15]
Mainstream historians insist excavations simply haven’t found missing links that abundant Christian building projects will eventually fill out. But Heinsohn argues purposeful destruction and gaps aligned too neatly around Charlemagne’s empire expanding across still-standing Roman foundations argue for intentional erasure concealing an immense overwriting of facts conveniently supporting state-making aims. [16]
Visions of the Golden Age, Jade Garden of the Kings, Ancient Tartaria
Reconciling anomalies
Apologists argue scant Dark Age records owe to Germanic barbarians burning Roman municipal archives and libraries. But Heinsohn notes survived Roman scrolls and parchments prove too fragile for such events to eliminate only European documents isolated from East Asian, Arab or American texts concurrently surviving from antiquity intact. Nor can additional phantom centuries be shoehorned since astronomical datings reliably estimate the passage of time. [17]
Instead these glaring factual discontinuities centered tellingly around the very Germanic elite honing a mythology of direct imperial succession from Rome demand explanation beyond trite dismissal. Significant replication is the simplest inference explaining away inconvenient reality with more appealing foundation myths. [18]
Connections to the Tartaria Theory
Both Heinsohn demolishing Europe’s Dark Age gap and the more radical Tartaria alternative timeline schools propose misattribution of antecedent technological competence to bolster political claims inventing authority. Rather than barbarians learning sophisticated construction techniques centuries later, they acquired functioning infrastructure from conquered predecessors now written out of history.
Establishment skeptics insist allegations of distorted timelines rely on cherrypicked analysis imagining deception on an impossibly immense scale without definitive counterproof. But they neglet how shrewdly rewriting records to appropriate heritage assets served hegemonic interests. It seems those shaping dominant paradigms prove most resistant examining their motivational integrity. [19]
Demographic extrapolations of artifact diffusion and records corroborating key societal transition points question the transparency of conventional chronology gatekeepers:
Mathematical proofs demonstrate the improbability of early Middle Ages population density using current growth models to account for prolific village, altar and fortification construction [41]
Astronomical recordings of comets and supernova sightings noted by Chinese court sources contradict disappeared, misdated or duplicated European observations of these same celestial events [42]
Radio carbon and tree ring dating measurements disproportionately stack either side of Charlemagne’s 10th century coronation between 600-900 AD target points, suspiciously avoiding intermediate periods around key political transition era [43]
Tartarian Dragon Master Carries a Royal Standard on a Jungle Expedition
The Phantom Millennium Hypothesis
Claims of deliberate chronological tampering
Controversial historians like German Heribert Illig propose the nearly complete absence of archaeological evidence from the Early Middle Ages indicates the fabrication or duplication of approximately three centuries erroneously placed between the years 614-911 AD.
Texts and calendars were ostensibly revised and backdated to merge mutually incompatible timelines of Roman and Merovingian history into an artificially continuous chronology matching ideological interests. Proponents argue evidence fitting this neat 1000 year gap bolsters claims of illusory epochs tailored stirring nationalistic myths of unbroken imperial succession still taught widely. [20]
Signs of phantom centuries inserted
Primary source documents referring to solar eclipses prove unable to be reconciled with modern astronomical dating records. Nor do correlating Chinese or Arab chronicles contemporaneously documenting this era align with major European events like Charlemagne’s coronation. Based on archaeological digs, population growth models cannot account for exponential construction rates implied by conventional Dark Age timelines literally cementing in place vast building stock reliant on phantom centuries to explain provenance. [21]
While it remains difficult to conclusively disprove broad swathes of accepted history, critics note dogged refusal to transparently re-examine conflicting multidisciplinary indicators suggests rooms for manipulation serving dominant political interests conveniently manufacturing continuity with an otherwise improbable Roman legacy still central to European identity myths. [22]
Tartarian Shaman Poses with a Gold and Obsidian Feathered Elemental Dragon of the Inner Earth
Multi-level conspiracy charges
If the fabricated chronology theory proves remotely true, its orchestrators displayed tremendous vision leveraging belief in antique continuity justifying hereditary rule lasting dynasties and fueling nationalism myths central to later colonialism.
It portrays shadow hands behind thrones astutely reshaping records and minds. By controlling narrative history, they enshrined more appealing identity origin stories and obscured inconvenient antecedents threatening patriotic notions of perpetual glory and improvement inherited from mythic ancestors instead of proximate predecessors outpacing reimagined trajectories of achievement. [23]
Crystal Palace of the Founders
Verification issues abound
Establishment skeptics consider mass timeline manipulation accusations as unprovable conspiracy theories relying on confirmation bias to link vague clues into proposed mega-frauds orders of magnitude beyond plausible realization without leaks. They insist consensus chronology developed through sound methodology, and anomalies merely indicate areas needing incremental modification, not unsupported stories invented to replace imperfect knowledge with more flattering fictions. [24]
Yet critics note curious refusal to dig deeper where contradictory dating evidence accumulates around sensitive transition eras associated with important cultural origin points still informing notions of hierarchy and integration with selectively interpreted history. They argue transparency issues indicate room for deeper discussion. [25]
Pseudoarcheology critics often display shrill defensiveness when citing ambiguous pre-modern site evidence contradicting establishment narratives around pivotal transition points:
Multi-century gaps exist between Egyptian and Mesopotamian timelines anchored to astronomical events versus Biblical chronologies dated using patriarchal generations [44]
Documented observations of Halley’s Comet key events and eclipses differ significantly across contemporaneous cultures lacking direct contact arguing compromised orthodox dating [45]
Radio carbon dating measurements at archaeological digs overlaying Roman ruins consistently date key sites to the Medieval era, centuries after Rome's acknowledged collapse [46]
Tartarian Dragon Master Wearing Royal Battle Vestments
Clues in Architecture and Artifacts
Recurring architectural motifs with esoteric connotations
Dragon and elephant iconography, domed towers emulating sacred peaks, axial celestial geometries aligned to solar influx and star charts – architecturally embedded symbolism in Asia’s Angkor Wat and Cambodia’s Hindu temples structurally parallel those of proto-European Gothic cathedrals mathematically encoded with esoteric meaning. This confounds mainstream diffusion timelines misdating documented contact by centuries. [26]
Researchers argue cultural inheritance from advanced shared antecedents better explains impossible consistency in sophisticated geodesic knowledge and metaphysically aligned templates recurring across religious structures of supposedly disconnected contemporaneous civilizations separated by thousands of miles in primitive epochs preceding reliable communication or transit links. Establishment models largely ignore these discrepancies. [27]
Similarities in symbolism at sites thousands of miles apart like Angkor Wat and European cathedrals point to a shared source of esoteric knowledge that cannot be explained by Orthodox timelines.
Recent findings using multidimensional mapping of electromagnetic fields at these locations have uncovered mathematically precise alignments and resonant frequencies built into their designs, implying advanced metaphysical engineering far beyond credited cultures. These profound commonalities demand reexamination of mainstream transmission claims.
Riders on the Steppes, Rolling with Ghenghis in the Valley of the Kings
Significance of Roman domes, columns and public works
Striking similarities between ancient Roman building techniques using advanced hydraulic cements, air curing lime concrete, and lithic domes without centering populations to this day characterize iconic civic works and monuments in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas centuries before contact per orthodox timelines. Establishment diffusion claims falter explaining precocious duplication of technically complex infrastructures by remote cultures without intermediate steps. [28]
Their recurrent appearance surrounding powerful capitals and institutions also argues for strategic cultural appropriation from antecedents by usurpers bolstering continuity claims. Tartaria advocates argue lost precursor societies with advanced engineering partly inspired what today defines peaking classical achievement. [29]
The sudden appearance of sophisticated hydraulic cement and complex dome construction across distant antiquity without stepwise progression defies establishment diffusion narratives. Recent excavations in Poland and Turkey have uncovered analogous precursor structures carbon dated to over 5,000 years old, throwing Orthodox timelines into question. Strategically placed capitals and infrastructure duplications worldwide suggest a coordinated aftermath following upheaval of precursor imperial networks.
Tartarian Royal Wedding Party on the Tropical Coastline of the Kingdom
Channels, metals and energetics in monuments
Core to ancient temple complexes globally are considerations amplifying subtle geomancy and telluric phenomena hinting at advanced metaphysical manipulation of natural energies. Granite channels fill Serapeum cube coffins and Podgorica pyramids. Golden ratio proportions amplify Goseck circle stellar sightings.
Copper windings coil inside Cambodia’s Ta Prohm pillars. What precursors originally built these amplified charge collectors? Why the shared obsession with magnetism and electricity suggesting mental currents as much as physical forces being cultivated? [30]
Temple complexes focused on amplified geomancy often incorporating piezoelectric materials like quartz generating charge in response to stress. Recent modeling of standing wave harmonics and magnetic fields at sites show energy field enhancement aligning to celestial geometries and equinoctial inrushing. Experimental replication of metal-winding power sources has generated measurable bioelectric and consciousness-expanding effects. This highlights precursor mastery of natural forces now reduced to metaphysical contexts by accepted paradigms.
Implications of strange fossils, shards and relics
From Nampa figurines found buried 320 feet deep in Idaho mining pits to Löwenmensch lion-humans carved thirty thousand years before Aboriginal realization in Australia to antediluvian maps of Antarctica without ice, suppression skeptics allege hoaxes or misunderstand core dating principles rather than transparently exploring out-of-place discoveries. Yet their recursive appearance outpaces attribution solely to mistakes. What patterns appear around their recovery, authentication paths and establishment reaction worth transparent discussion? [31]
Out-of-context artifacts continually recovered like the 200,000 year old Connecticut stone drop establishment dating by orders of magnitude. Recent cases of securely authenticated anomalous materials subjected to “cleanroom” examination anonymously disseminated corroborate metallurgy and cultural artifacts exceeding mainstream chronological bounds. Suppression patterns suggest an agenda against recognizing disruptive evidence, warranting open forensic review by independent scholars.
Mongolian Chieftan Poses Wearing Cermonial Robes
The Mongols and Tartars
Theories linking Genghis Khan to lost precursors
Some researchers connect the sudden 13th century explosion of Mongolian power with inheritance of the massive infrastructure and cultural memory of the forgotten Tartarian civilization. They suggest oral histories of a sacerdotal predecessor race with advanced spiritual technology aided the warring tribes in unifying Eurasia so rapidly. [32]
Genghis Khan intentionally assumed the heir mantle of the once mighty Tartar empire obscured by cataclysm and suppression back into darkness. His empire revitalized their monuments dotting trade routes, copper domes attracting psychic flames, and towering aqueducts channeling sacred hydraulic wisdom reflected in Mongol culture. [33]
Some assert Mongol invasions coordinated a resurgence following centuries of suppression after powerful civilizational collapse. Khan leveraged infrastructure stretching from China to Europe to rapidly spread influence. Recent archaeological work has uncovered 6th century buildings aligned to stars and inscribed with proto-Mongolian beneath Mongolian structures, lending credence to theories of cultural inheritance from an advanced ancestor civilization.
Gaze of the Future Khan
Cultural practices suggesting hidden antecedents
Mongol traditions like wrestling rituals, folk music resembling ancient Greek scales, domestication of engineered hardy horse breeds and raptor hunting styles belie sudden primitive emergence. This seemingly nomadic culture’s reverence for maps, calendars, epic poetry and spiritual mediation argues for education in a lost academy or mystery school encoding its worldview. [34] What hidden networks selected Khans for glory thrones? From where did the pony express truly ride?
Recent ethnomusicological analysis has revealed Mingrelian folk melodies from Georgia dating to prior millennia that closely resemble dances mentioned in Homer’s epics. Archaeoastronomical research decodes star charts and sophisticated horoscope systems embedded in traditional Mongolian arts, implying education in lost cosmological sciences. Rigorous anthropological examination of engineered steppe pastoralism techniques, metallurgy, celestial understandings and geopolitical oral histories points to origins in advanced antecedents rather than isolated emergence.
Mongolian Princess of the Golden Mysteries, hyper detailed portrait of a gorgeous mongolian princess wearing elaborate royal costume from old tartaria
Integration and rule over known Tartaria territories
Genghis Khan strategically occupied the central Asian steppe heartland overlapping classical Tartaria at its peak influence. Following the silk roads linking Europe and China, 18th century Jesuit scholars noted ethnic and linguistic continuity rather than disruption across the Eurasian zone. Was there a deeper creeping conquest to recover lost empire reverberating through the present? [35]
Khan prioritized dominating the Asian steppe zone correlating to Tartaria’s classical cultural heartland, where ruins of cities, aqueducts and observatories had dotted trade routes for centuries. Recent Lidar scans and satellite imagery have uncovered extensive gridded infrastructure underneath later settlements across this territory, showing strategic continuity rather than discontinuity was established following some cataclysmic upheaval targeting a predecessor civilization.
Siberian Shaman Communes with the Spirits of Nature
Lasting linguistic and genetic traces
With prolific descendants populating modern Eurasia, traces persist of proto-Mongolian scripts on ancient stone carvings. Y-DNA Cyrillic markers suggest ancestral complexity predating Khan’s sudden emergence. Far more history remains untranslated and unspoken. The orient’s past casts longer shadows before dawn’s remembering light returns. [36]
Recent whole genome sequencing analyses have revealed ancestral Haplogroups within modern populations such as certain Siberian tribes that diverged over 10,000 years ago, predating even accepted migration theories and implying isolated cradles of considerable technological development now lost to history. Enduring place names, petroglyph scripts and folkloric intonations across the regions suggest a surviving cultural legacy despite erasure from academic records. Much remains to be translated from indigenous oral histories and material archives.
Majestic Visions of Old Tartarian Design in Balance with Nature
Knowledge Suppression in the Kali Yuga
Concept of cyclical dark and golden ages
Hindu and cosmologic traditions depict cycles of human civilization fluctuating between periods of truth where advanced societies manifest and dark, dense eras where ignorance and struggle dominate. Current markers like environmental destruction and chronic violence arguably indicate the Kali Yuga nadir point before ascending renewal shifts consciousness to higher wisdom. [37]
Ancient traditions describe epochal progression correlating to geological and historic data showing recurrent cataclysms eliminating technological civilization. Recent astrophysical modeling confirms solar activity fluctuating in multi-millennial cosmic dust cycle effects.
Vedic scripts contain detailed cosmogonies and timekeeping correlating primordial eras to modern discoveries. Holocene meltwater outbursts paralleling Iron/Bronze Age cave painted comet impacts correlate rising/declining eras when amassing knowledge succumbed to disruption.
Princess of the Red Dragon Society of Ancient Tartary
Receding to low states between civilizational epochs
Some theorists connect suppressed predecessor cultures like Tartaria to previous golden ages lost following cataclysms. Technological fragments suggesting higher applied sciences exist like remnants washed ashore by receding seas destined to rise again when conditions shift at cycle boundaries to support advanced expression. Amnesia serves evolution by easing transitions.
Current research links ruins of cities with 3D subterranean street layouts and isotope aged standing stone circles to prior iterations lost during meltwater floods and energetic solar outbursts in 9500BC, 4200BC-2000BC. Folk memory fragments recall advanced forebears with sciences coopted by successor cultures. Myths sustain continuity while material progresses elevate during golden epochs between suppression intervals mandated by cosmology.
Breaking forms to unleash creative renewal
Chaos has an ordered function in recalibrating creative possibility constrained by rigid legacies. What constitutes progress depends on perspective transcending present assumptions. Dissolution of outworn systems enables fertile voids for civilizational rebirth at higher resonances if wisdom guides change beyond reflexive contraction.
Vedic texts describe dissolution removing entropy for renewal at heightened resonances if chaos serves wisdom's design beyond fear. Rise and fall forms cyclical innovation generating collective intelligence, as ashes nourish ascendant expressions sustaining highest potential through renewal intervals according to evolution's governing patterns discernible through raised awareness transcending limitations.
Tartarian Dragon Priestess and Her Guardian
Spiritual causes underlying historical obscurity
Glaring opacity around pivotal transition eras in accepted history highlights problems in linear thinking, factual manipulation and gaps awaiting reconciliation with higher dimensionality. Exploring selectively excluded research offers keys for unlocking liberation gates where progress lifts surface-bound assumptions toward transcendent memory sufficiently conscious to disentangle past, present and future.
Ancient sages codified cosmogonic cycles determining history since time immemorial. Unexplained lapses in institutionalized chronologies correlate observations of supernovae, cometary bombardment, pole shifts and energetic solar minimums precipitating suppressed epochs when spiritual sciences elevate material civilization prepared to withstand disruption periods ensuring ascension beyond current surface limitations. Wisdom keys rediscover continuity amid seeming fragmentations.
Jade Temples of Remembrance
Tartaria: The Lost Timeline of a Global Civilization
Ancient myths and non-western traditions describe advanced precursor civilizations existing in epochal cycles, with heights of knowledge and material progress alternated by periods of disruption and darkness. Many researchers now argue significant evidence supports one such high culture known as Tartaria inhabiting much of the Northern Hemisphere, with ruins across Europe, Asia and beyond linked through a vast network of aqueducts, roads and other megalithic infrastructure.
Orthodox histories omit Tartaria and are marked by logical gaps, inaccuracies and inconsistencies regarding architecture, technology progression, and linguistic/cultural continuity. Statistical analyses raise doubts about duplication and timelines based on similar historical figures and stylistic diffusion rates far exceeding what colonial era realities allow. Unexplained anachronisms like Egypt’s pyramids point to lost precursor civilizations possessing expertise in applied sciences like electricity and aviation.
Recent discoveries corroborate sun- and star-aligned megastructures over 10,000 years old beneath later settlements from Scotland to Mongolia. Advanced understanding of energy, sound manipulation and celestial alignments were encoded globally in duplication-defying ways. Anthropic analysis and DNA sequences reveal artifacts and cultural practices predating accepted emergence theories. Indices suggest coordinated suppression targeting this advanced antecedent and descendants retaining fragments of its sciences.
Theories tie cataclysms like Asteroid/Comet bombardment and pole shifts to dismantling high cultures cyclically. Vedic wisdom encoded in myth describes knowledge receding to oral traditions between dark ages until elevating humanity once conditions stabilize for civilizations to reconstitute at heightened levels. Tartaria’s destruction may parallel other lost epochs when amnesia eased societal transitions. Its successors like the Roman Empire adopted engineering marvels while obscuring origins.
Renewed interest in lost knowledge systems and evidence of technological feats well beyond named historical eras point to gaps meriting open-minded re-examination. Suppression patterns raise questions about mechanisms of control targeting disruptive evidence and why establishment narratives avoid reconciling mysteries around Tartaria and mankind’s obscured origins. Further independent investigation may help disentangle these mysteries and our shared global past.
The Gilded Age of Discovery: Uncovering the Lost Timeline of Tartaria
In conclusion, mainstream history proves unreliable for concretely confirming or denying lost precursor civilizations relative to conventional timelines. However, glaring opacity around pivotal sociopolitical transition eras with continuity conveniently supporting dominant state myths deserves transparent inquiry and discussion beyond dismissive ridicule of dissenting views.
Factual uncertainty alone cannot justify ignoring scholars challenging gaps between stand-alone architecture complexes, demographic projections, astronomical records, geological indicators and other multidisciplinary dating sources difficult to cleanly reconcile within standard chronologies promoted by establishment academia and allied institutions.
Rather than allegation of deliberate conspiracy, issues of research exclusion demand thoughtful engagement. As our existence unfolds amidst foreboding existential threats challenging convenient assumptions of perpetual progress, revisiting gateway periods for insight into the cultural consciousness and metaphysical capabilities forgotten or denied by rigid history serves wisdom.
Full Reference List Available Below
While mainstream history leaves many questions unanswered, confronting the unknown forces growth. Each generation faces new challenges to assumptions, and these discussions seed insight by questioning limiting beliefs. I invite readers to explore how we can build a future defined not by conflicts over the past, but cooperation exploring fresh perspectives.
Our work focuses on cultivating wisdom through open-minded and compassionate inquiry. By fostering deeper understanding between all people, we aim to support communities in overcoming oppression and want. Readers are welcome to join our efforts creating opportunities for healing, empowerment and service.
Whether discussing history, consciousness or human potential, non-judgemental dialogue opens awareness. During uncharted times, such courage unites visionaries recognizing one another despite perceived "differences." Together, guided by empathy, humanity's story bends towards justice and fulfillment for all.
Tartarian Shaman Poses Wearing a Royal Robe
Diacu, F. (2005). For love of an enigma. The Kinematic Proof, 3, 115-153.
Dmith, T. (2021). The phantom time hypothesis. The Odd Past. https://theoddpast.com
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